
NimbusSupport is an Information Technology Service company that serves Distributed Cloud Computing requirements.



We support rapidly deployable application systems that span the gamut from just a rack in a data center to a system that is spread across multiple nodes on several continents.

Distributed Cloud Computing:

We provide support for DCC. Among other duties, we assist with periodic back ups, snapshot and disaster recoverythrough the existing hypervisor. We offer synchronization on the VMs that deal with data for disaster recovery. We also troubleshoot on a case-by-case basis.

Distributed Cloud Computing Documentation:

We support DCC wordings including maintenance of security policies thereof to prevent unauthorized access and denial of services.


We support massive deployment of storage on the fly via WebUI.

Virtual Machines:

We maintain and support the operation of customized VMs to handle firewalls, load balancing and other functions.


We design and create customized apps for direct cloud computing platforms.

(+632)236-0068 / jermaine@nimbussupport.com
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